Oregon Fruit Puree Mango POUCH 49oz
Oregon Fruit Puree Mango POUCH 49oz -
Aseptic Mango Puree is prepared from ripened, washed and sorted Mango. The product contains no preservatives and no additives. The puree is processed through a final finisher screen that is 0.033”.
Brix: 10.0° – 17.0°
pH: 3.00 – 3.90
Specific Gravity: 1.0400 – 1.0698 (seasonal variations)
Color: Light to golden yellow; typical of tropical mango.
Aroma: Typical of tropical mango; product is free of rancid, musty, and objectionable odors.
Flavor: Typical of tropical mango; product is free of rancid, stale, bitter, musty, and
objectionable flavors.
Defects: Free from foreign material.
Tags: oregon, fruit, puree, mango, pouch, 49oz, new and, concentrates
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